Kategorie / Featured
Appartamento Mircro pubblicato su Elle Decoration Italia
L’appartamento Micro dello Studio Kejo, fotografato da me, è ora pubblicato anche su Elle Decoration Italia
Time Machines – AC and Frazer Nash for Octane Online Australia
The Editorial with Pictures from me for Octane Magazin UK is now online also for Octane.com Australia. Read the whole article there. Two beautiful Bristol powered Cars. A rare Frazer Nash and a beautiful AC Bristol. Quite different but very similar too. Robert Coucher speaks with Wilhelm Schmid, CEO of A.Lange & Söhne about cars…
Pubblicazione sulla rivista di designbest
Mix tra modernità e tradizione a Berlino Maggiori informazioni sul progetto qui
Artikel in the Sächsische Zeitung
The „Sächsische Zeitung“ covered the release of the new Album from Céline Rudolph. Loved to see my picture featured. Read more about the pictures here
Food photography for Auf die Hand
Food photography for a healthy food chain in Berlin. published now on the website of the Mercedes-Benz-Platz.
Arno Schneider in The Heritage Post
My Portrait photos of Arno Schneider, from dopo domani are now published in The Heritage Post, No. 28.
Haus W on the Cover
Haus W on the Cover of The Callwey Brochure 2108. The Pictures of Haus W got published in the Book Best of Interior 2018 and one picture made it also on the Cover of the Interior Brochure from the Callwey Publishing Company.
Private Residence for Herrendorf
Interior Project by Herrendorf Inneneinrichter, building Ralf Schmitz Immobilien